Show friends, family and colleagues your results and invite them to explore their own skills and attributes. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to unlock your potential in this thrilling journey of self-assessment and self-development.
Authentic tests reveal your individual attributes: from risk-tolerance and conscientiousness, to sociability, inquisitiveness and composure. Discover which of ten archetypal roles suits you best: A calculating Cryptologist?
Two weeks in Ibiza with mates. Island-hopping with a loved one on a boat. How do you deal with conflict? I defuse the situation with wisecracks. I avoid conflict like the plague. I charm the other person round to my way of thinking.
I bulldoze my way through it. Arrange a big day out with friends. Where do I sign? That's an abomination. How exactly? I'd sooner die. Many times. No, since I've never gotten one. No, but not for lack of trying. Yes, but only one time, since I rarely get ticketed.
The perks. Learning cool facts. The babes, the toys, the cool cars! Take your pick. Being told I made the world a better place for America. I worked for a major consultancy. I worked as a data scientist. I'm a recording artist with a Patreon account. I was a soldier. I keep up on the business section. I have a carefully set up RSS feed. Who cares about that stuff? I read three newspapers over the course of the morning.
I know all the major players, their goals, their weaknesses, and their current projects. I know the broad strokes of it. It's none of my business. I know a bit about what's going on, and what I need to know for my job.
I can play people like a balalaika. I'm a bit stiff. Everyone wants me. I know. I'm pretty sensitive to that, but I would only use it to my advantage if there were no other option. Not unless I'm in charge.
Yes, absolutely. As the stand-up patriot we know you are, we certainly put our trust in you and know the secret information you'll bring back from overseas will be used righteously! You could be an Undercover Spy! You have a true talent when it comes to playing the right role, and even more so when it serves a dutiful purpose. Being undercover takes a lot of initiative and personal drive, which are two qualities we know you possess. Besides, we all know that in order to be a character other than yourself you need to know how to keep it cool and remain believable.
It also doesn't hurt that you get to play dress-up and wear different disguises that fool every one around you- and we all know how fun that can be! You could be an Assassin Spy! We're guessing you're a total badass and have some skilled fighting moves hiding up your sleeve.
You also have a penchant for justice and taking the villain down, which is perfect for this type of Espionage role. However, we also must not forget that it takes a strategic and sneaky mind to pull off the type of missions an assassin is used to taking control of. You can clearly master the art of disguise and discretion as a deadly combination, this way your targets don't even know what's coming! You could be the Analyst Spy!
An analyst spy might work behind the scenes on many occasions, but that's only because you're so talented when it comes to technology and computer enhancement software.
You can spy from a far without anyone even knowing you're following them, and the risk of you getting caught is about zero unless someone has EVEN better hacking knowledge than you do. The point here is that you're an intelligent person who can analyze, decipher, and breach specific coding and patterns that determine other people's naughty behavior through numbers and statistics. In all honesty, we wouldn't want to mess with you.
You could be an Informant Spy! You are a spy with a very specific mission- you are looking for the right person, with the right information, in the right place. You play the key messenger of all things Espionage, and you are of vital importance because you can possess the duties of surveillance and undercover all in one.