When was ezreal last on sale

The most recent one was released on 3 September Main Page All Pages. Main page Recent changes Random page Join our Discord! Editing Help. New to League? Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk 0. LEA Split 3. UPL Fall Playoffs. Logitech G Challenge Cono Sur. Super Copa Flow Volcano Discover Cup Then, your precious stele will begin to glow, before exploding into living shards of searing heat. The earth is shaking. I probably should stop writing right now, because more of these little horrors are pouring out of the sewer grates.

I shot a few of them with my gauntlet. I was just trying to sell this stupid little vial to the guy who asked me to get it for him. Should have been easy.

Januk was a red-bearded Freljordian transplant, with deep pockets and big appetites. Unknown to his employers, his private residence was filled with relics and artwork, half of it raided illegally from tombs or other museums, and he loved to dine amidst his collection.

There were flecks of lamb in his teeth. The it he was referring to was to the Elixir of Uloa. And yes, I had indeed liberated it from a trap-strewn hovel in the jungle near Paretha. I pulled the bone and crystal vial from my satchel.

It was cool in the palm of my hand. My best guess would be pre-classical Shuriman. I decided to ramp up the drama. The whole place crumbled around me. I barely escaped with my life. We agreed sixty thousand. Januk was scowling. His boisterous laugh broke the tension.

We have history, and history is always good for business. One moment, please. Buyers keeping payment in their studies? Oldest trick in the book. To kill time, I perused his collection of artifacts. There were some I had procured on his behalf.

Then my eyes fell on something I had not seen before. Something new—a stone bell, roughly the size of a housecat. Its base was adorned with strange writing. I stepped closer to inspect it. And the Elixir will make it happen. Anger is a wonderful arcane motivator. Use it or lose it, I always say. The dull metal slugs burned white-hot in the face of my blast, and winked into silvery vapor on the other side. But with double-crossers, one must be doubly careful, so I quickly charged my gauntlet again.

There was a slight fizzle, then a pop, and then I was standing right behind Januk. Oh, I did not like the sound of that. I glanced down. Sure enough, the pistols were at his feet. Did I mention Januk was strong? Because he is super strong. He grabbed my gauntlet in one hand, yanked me over his shoulder with the other, and slammed me bodily through his work desk.

The damn stone bell jabbed into my spine. I saw white, and splinters. Lots of little splinters. Januk kicked me in the ribs for good measure. He twisted the Elixir of Uloa out of my shaky grip, pulled the stopper, and drank deep. You just drank sand wasp venom, out of a cheap souvenir trinket vessel. In fairness, sour milk would have been a lot better for his digestive system.

I winced as pulled myself back to my feet. He had kicked me unnecessarily hard, but at least he spared my face. He threw the fancy casing to the ground, doubled over, and groaned.

Sand wasp venom hits hard and fast. I shrugged, then raised my gauntlet and fired another blast of magical energy at the wall. The masonry cracked, melted and exploded outwards. Papers flew everywhere. I hopped out through the hole, scampered down the masonry and leapt across to a nearby rooftop. I wanted to be far away from Januk as quickly as possible, for lots of reasons.

Admittedly, the sand wasp venom was the main one—it was not going to be pretty in that place by morning. As I ran, I took a closer look at my latest acquisition. Whatever else it was, the Ochnun bell was definitely touched by some darker energy. With a party in my honor, perhaps? After all, I had just single-handedly kept some dread lord from rising. Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it dealing magic damage.

Detonating with an ability refunds the cost of that ability plus 60 Mana. Arcane Shift will prioritize targets stuck with Essence Flux. E - Arcane Shift. Patch The marksman class has major durability problems, especially in the early laning phase where their power feels heavily reliant on their supports. This has been causing issues in gameplay satisfaction since a marksman's strength relies on the length of time they're alive. By increasing their mobility via items and base health, we feel that ADCs won't be punished so aggressively when they fail and will still have a chance to bounce back and unlock their power in fights.

That being said, we've heard your concerns about the bot lane marksman champions that can also solo lane like Lucian and Vayne. We're giving them a separate set of changes which you can find more details on below. Patch 9. Increasing Ezreal's poke damage from abilities in the midgame, due to a loss of resources from Kleptomancy's removal.

We wanted to target something that resonates with his ability-flinging identity. Q - Mystic Shot. E cooldown increased. AP Ezreal's burst has made him a bit of a terror, so we're taking some power out of the build and hitting his early game safety. R damage decreased against minions and non-epic monsters but no longer falls off per target hit. We promised we'd look out for AP Ezreal after his update, so we're back with a few more changes. Apart from some pure power-ups to W, we're also pushing the difference between builds by making Trueshot Barrage—which is stronger for AP Ezreal—a more powerful AoE teamfight ability.

W - Essence Flux. R - Trueshot Barrage. Ezreal's champion update brings some significant visual, audio, and lore level-ups to the Prodigal Explorer. Ezreal's update differs from other VGUs in the gameplay department: His kit's held up well over the years, and the only ability that needed a makeover was his W, Essence Flux. Within a suite of spells that make Ezreal feel like an ace spellslinger, Essence Flux felt unremarkable… when it was even noticed.

We've given the Prodigal Explorer a new W that has a more appreciable place in his kit and even adds a few new decisions for Ezreal players to consider. We'd be remiss not to mention AP Ezreal, a playstyle we want to preserve with this update. Though the new Essence Flux plays quite differently than a pass-through skillshot, it still packs a punch with some AP itemization.

It also gives AP Ezreal much stronger structure damage as well as more reliability from Arcane Shift. W - Essence Flux Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it. Detonating with an ability refunds mana.

Passive - Rising Spell Force. Jarvan IV. Lee Sin. Ez is still running rampant after the scaling nerfs we shipped partway through last patch, so we're making it easier to boot him out of lane without letting him hit his item cost thresholds.

In particular, this may leave him stuck on Tear of the Goddess potentially not even that without damage items for longer. Ez is another non-crit marksman who was already prevalent leading up to 8.

In his case, he actually got a direct buff via Blade of the Ruined King. It doesn't really make sense for him to have a safe lane phase even bullying some laners while also having best-in-class midgame power, so we're tuning down his early game strength.

Back when we buffed Mystic Shot in 7. Flash forward seven patches, and with how strong Kleptomancy is on him, it's clear he no longer needs that additional baseline power.

Due to the long range, low cooldown, and low mana cost on Mystic Shot, Ez gets to harass people during early laning phase. We really like this pattern for Ez, so we're letting him capitalize harder on both his early lane phase and double-item spike. With Aegis of the Legion's old aura out of the game, squishy champions who were relying on it to give them enough magic resist find themselves a bit on the burstable side.

At present however, the degree to which Ezreal loses steam makes him a liability for all but the most single-mindedly mid-game focused teams. Back in 5. As a result, the frequency of Trueshot Barrages are at an all-time high, terrorizing teamfights, objectives, and minion waves alike. We like the flexibility that Ezreal's global nuke brings to the table, but when he's able to overclock his cooldowns to the point of controlling lanes and having it up for an impending teamfight, something's gotta give.

Just a small tweak to reinforce Ezreal's synergies with cooldown reduction, especially given its new availability to marksman with the new Essence Reaver check below! The world is ending. Wirelike no wonder they created a ultimate skin. Rularuu frosted ezreal is waaaaaaaay better. Oh damn, it's doing it again MattX Explorer Ezreal Still the best Striker Ezreal. Battle Academia Ezreal. TPA Ezreal. PsyOps Ezreal. PsyOps Ezreal Prestige Edition.

SSG Ezreal. Pajama Guardian Ezreal. Frosted Ezreal. Ace of Spades Ezreal. Star Guardian Ezreal. Explorer Ezreal. Arcade Ezreal. Debonair Ezreal.


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