Remember that this is as true about girls as it is about boys. It is just as true about good boys as it is about bad boys. The best Christian in all the world if he is not good enough to keep from necking and petting , may not be good enough to keep from fornication and adultery.
And so for the sake of your Creator, for the sake of your health, for the sake of your future, and for the sake of your soul—make a pledge early in life never to practice habits that will lead to illicit sex relations. There are wholesome things to do and worthwhile places to go during your courtship days.
It is important to always have something definitely planned for each date. It is when young people have nothing to do that they begin habits that arouse evil desires.
It is at such times when they begin kissing and necking and cuddling around in dark rooms and squirming in parked cars, and go far beyond their first intentions and plans. One of the best safeguards to pure noble courtship is a wellplanned date.
There are the Sunday services, Bible studies, hymnsings, the prayer meeting, and other special services of the church. Why not agree to read a certain portion of the Bible at the same time each evening during the week? It is really encouraging for older people to hear younger persons sing hymns and visit with them. The time passes more quickly for the older person and the experience will be a real blessing for both of you also.
Every young person ought to have a hobby. There is sewing, textile painting, gathering collections of various kinds, photography, woodworking, coin collecting, etc. Perhaps it is oldfashioned, but there is something especially wholesome about singing hymns together. These have been a few things you can do to make your courtship purposeful and constructive. Note that we did not include activities such as dancing, attending the commercial movies, and frequenting the public bathing beaches. These enterprises are geared to appeal to those who walk after the flesh and not after the Spirit of God.
When two people stand before God and promise to cherish each other until death separates them, it is not hard to believe that the angels in heaven hush their songs and grow silent in wonder as they listen to the holy vows, when two hearts and lives are joined in wedlock.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; read more.
All rights reserved. Toggle navigation. Malachi Verse Concepts. Why Does God Do This? Luke Verse Concepts. Proverbs Verse Concepts. One Hundred dowry Betrothal. Genesis Verse Concepts. Philippians Verse Concepts. It has so nice and wonderful. It has taught me a lot. I loved it so much. God bless you. I wish I can read more from you. I enjoyed reading such an exciting words like this. It is spiritual inspired and helpful. Thanks I am looking forward to see more of this.
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Subscribe me to your newsletter. Previous post: 21 Bible Verses About Purity. All Rights Reserved. Sitemap Privacy Policy Disclaimer Advertise. Article by Derek Hill Derek Hill is a father of two beautiful children. Cancel reply Leave a Comment. What Is Speaking In Tongues? What Is the Rapture? Respect yourself and the one you love by honoring them the way God intends us to honor others Romans Dating or courting or whatever you want to call it can be a great way to solidify an already super strong friendship and begin to build a solid foundation for marriage.
If your parents have given their blessing, God is at the center of your motivations, and you are both ready to step it up, then this could be a perfect time to move toward something more than "just friends". If you want to shoot for a lifelong, God-honoring union with your best friend, then that is when you know it's time to start a romance Genesis ; Matthew Dating and courting are basically the same thing, but their perceived intent differs.
God's view of romance is different from the world's view. He wants us to first discover a person's innermost character before we decide to make a commitment of the heart. Through it all, remember to keep God as the most important person in your life Galatians ; Colossians , never a romantic interest.
Cat is the web producer and editor of teens. She loves audiobooks, feeding the people she cares about, and using Christmas lights to illuminate a room. When Catiana is not writing, cooking, or drawing, she enjoys spending time with her two teenage kids, five socially-awkward cats, and her amazing friend-amily.