This was around I actually sat down and had dinner with Richard Branson. It was amazing. Richard Branson was like the illest dude in the world because he's a billionaire yet he never spoke about money.
Any time he made reference to money, it was more or less as a resource. And I noticed that immediately between people who had real money as opposed to people who were just hood rich.
People who are hood rich, they're always talking about money. But people who have real wealth , they talk about resources and ideas. And no one even really noticed him. And I'm like, 'Wow, this is one of the richest dudes in the world right here. After that I didn't really see him too much, but I got enough out of the conversation and just being in his company to last me a lifetime.
Of course there was Russell Simmons, who I gained a lot of wisdom from. Also Lyor Cohen. Very intelligent guy. He gave me a lot of good advice. Sadly he got caught up in a situation with the federal government… I was just hurt to see such a great mind have to go through so much trials and tribulations.
It basically came down to, 'If you can't be used, then you're useless. And taking that in a more positive way, it's about adding on and advancing each other in life, instead of just having these idle relationships. And Marley kept telling me to stay focused and hold on. And it was hard to do that when you're the oldest of five children, and you got to be the man of the house and help feed your brothers and sisters.
So half of my life was recording at that time, and half of it was trying to get money the best way I could and survive. The people whose spot I ran up in, they found out it was me. They ran up on me, they kidnapped me and tortured me for two days. They beat me up, burned me with cigarette butts. You know, sucka shit. After that they threw me in the East River. I couldn't swim either. In my mind, I was just trying to ignore the pain, stay focused, hold on, and just believe that I was going to make it out of there.
When I realized where I was, I crawled my way through the park and into the street and passed out there. A car almost hit me. The car wound up summoning the ambulance and I wound up going to the hospital. This is around Top Songs See All. Albums See All. Tabula Rasa Hidden Files Immortal Titans on HBO The Instrumentals Camouflage Regime The Builders Immortal Titans Top Videos. Target the Next One feat. Musical Warfare - Single Truth Hurts - EP We Still Here - Single Enemies - Single Recent blog posts Forum.
Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Tragedy Khadafi. Edit source History Talk 0. The album marked the debut of HeadRush Napoleon, who would show up again on future albums. In Still Reportin' hit shelves, followed by Thug Matrix in Two mixtapes arrived the next year, Blood Ballads and Thug Matrix 2, and in , Chapman was arrested for drug dealing and went to prison.
Before his sentencing, eighth album The Death of Tragedy was released in the summer of While locked up, he continued releasing music, appearing on 's Lethal Weapon, a collaborative album with Trez that included guest spots from Big Noyd , Willie Stubbs, and others.