If you want a single-use pod for your Keurig or other single-use machine, Yuban has K-Cups as well. This is a medium roast, Colombian coffee, made from percent Arabica beans. It is for use in all Keurig brewing machines, including the newer 2. The Yuban Colombian K-Cup provides a full-bodied flavor with no bitter aftertaste. Using a Keurig, you can adjust the amount of water brewed into each cup if you want a stronger or weaker cup of coffee from the pod.
However, the one-cup technology is not for everybody. Some coffee purists who like Yuban coffee made in a brewer may not like the one-cup brewing technology. The Yuban traditional roast is a medium blend coffee.
The Gold is in a traditional coffee can, while the Dark Roast and the Traditional are in plastic canisters. Perhaps the Arabica beans get a more upscale package, but either way, storage of coffee is important. Coffee should be stored in an opaque container, so the can and the plastic canister accomplish that. The container should also be airtight, however, so if you really want your coffee to stay as fresh as possible, you may want to consider moving it to an airtight container like a canister with a sealed lid.
Keep your coffee away from light and heat, so storage in a pantry or cupboard is ideal. As well, do not freeze your coffee, as it also needs to be kept away from moisture. Until you know what you like, you may want to try the small, ounce canister. Once you have a favorite, you can move up to 25, 29, 31, or ounce sizes, depending on the variety you select.
It seems each blend has different options for sizes. Luckily, Yuban met those standards from the start and can continue to stand out for that reason. Arabica beans are typically known to be a bit pricier, as compared to robusta beans.
The growing conditions need to be perfect to get the beans where they need to be. Yuban coffee manages to use arabica beans without having anything close to outrageous prices. There was a notable spike in after the price of arabica bean prices went up, which is a reasonable correlation.
They still managed to keep the prices some of the best on the market. Reaching only the minimum requirement of the Rainforest Alliance also helps the price of the coffee, because it is not as expensive to make non-organic coffee. This may be an issue for some people, which is completely valid, but it is a great option for people who cannot afford more expensive brands. Overall comparing price to flavor , it is an amazing deal! Check out these following Yuban coffee blends we found for you to try:.
Coffee shops tend to offer smaller options. Simply scope out your local Targets or Walmart coffee aisles in order to try the best that South America has to offer. Amazon is also a great option to get your hands on it ASAP without leaving your home! Thank you for reading about the South American special that is Yuban coffee. Are you a coffee lover? Of course you are!
Then just now I was about to write the company and ask if they had other complaints when I saw this! All you have experienced this. But I will say I just purchased some from a grocery store and its wonderful so idk. May 03, Another coffee by: Anonymous I found another replacement coffee for yuban.
It's in a steel can that locks in flavor like the old yuban cans. And not too harsh like the modern rosters are producing that are trying to mirror Starbucks. Mar 24, Weather by: Mr C Kraft processes huge quantities of beans. To make everything taste the same every time its next to impossible with a crop product.
Market changes also happen and then there is price. I've tasted excellent and bad coffees within the same branded items. More expensive doesn't mean anything. It goes with saying it all depends. Mar 09, Folgers is Boss by: Anonymous I drank yuban for 40 years and recently upon returning from Peru where coffee is terrible, all I wanted was yuban, I immediately noticed no Juan Valdez.
So granted, it's not yuban, but take it from a very picky coffee drinker, it's well worth trying. Mar 02, Old yuan coffee by: Anonymous I agree with the other comments listed.
I thought it was just me, but it is decidedly weaker in taste. Why did you change it! Feb 22, Thought my taste buds had died! I thought it was just my old age taste buds that changed the taste of my Yuban.
They have ruined years of my family's coffee drinking tradition by changing the Yuban formula. It is no longer aromatic and smooth tasting with a bit of a kick. Just flavorless, dark brown water now. Have to find a new coffee that will satisfy my Yuban spoiled taste buds. Thanks a lot Warren Buffet. Feb 12, Discontinued? I have been unable to find it. No place close to the great taste it used to be. Did you hire the guy that came up with the new coke idea as well?
Feb 02, Yuban reformulated and ruined a good tasting coffee by: Anonymous I noticed this around September I would buy the orinial roast, which was a full bodied, rich, without bitterness.
Now it lacks body and taste. I thought it was a bad batch or the region where they got their coffee beans got little rain. I stopped by my car mechanic because he also drinks Yuban.
While he was working on my car, I had a cup of Yuban and it tasted really bad. I have tried other brands and some are the same and some are better.
But, for me, I will no longer buy Yuban, unless I read the can and it it says, "improved flavor. It always made a good tasting cup of coffee.
Then something changed. The rich flavor I'd grown used to was gone and the coffee tasted like cardboard. Yuban had been sold and the new owner made crap coffee.
There seems to be price gap depending on where it is bought. Though not confirmed factually, I think the entire crop must have been destroyed by frost, fire or something which led to a change of bean availability. Yuban has not had that flavor for over 4 decades. If I were to have a bucket list obtaining a 3 can of that mid 70s Yuban coffee available.
I have difficulty even finding other aficionados that remember the distinct flavor that coffee brewed. No other roaster has ever duplicated that flavor which is why I believe it was lost to a disaster of some sort. The big named coffee roasters or retail brewers just have no idea what a spell the old coffee could bring to the cup. Dec 09, Found a replacement! Seattle's Best seems to be the best I found so far.
Dec 09, iS Warren Buffet to blame for demise of Yuban? What a phony!!! Goodbye to my favorite Yuban coffee which I enjoyed every morning for 30 years! Does anyone suggest an acceptable alternative? Kona perhaps? Dec 06, Yuban sucks by: Anonymous Yes, they changed it and it sucks!
I was so mad about the change that if they brought it back I wouldn't buy it,. Dec 01, What happened? I've been drinking Yuban for years and loved the flavor.
Something changed- It has an awful after taste. I just threw away a full container! Taste is way different. Not smooth and robust anymore and also has a smell it never had in years past. I will be searching for something new after about 40 years crying! I sent one can back since I opened the other. Will never buy again. Oct 19, "I ain't got no body"! Got it from my parents.
ALL the other coffees will leave you flat here Original Yuban was always I refused to purchase the others because they lacked the satisfaction. Sep 07, Poor quality ruins another company by: Anonymous Have been drinking yuban since around A friend took me to Starbucks. I liked their black coffee for about a year until I started getting headaches from too much caffeine. Went back to yuban and found they had ruined it. It's in a cardboard container now that looks like the old can.
But it's not vacuum sealed and has no smell or flavor. Just like the other junk coffees, foldgers, Maxwell house etc. I remember opening a fresh can back when they were metal and vacuum sealed.
Smelled so good. Now nothing. They ruined a good coffee. How do you make money when you lower quality and all your long time customers leave you? Some people at the top of yuban have lost their way. Maybe they could make the old version and sell it for a higher price? Aug 30, Pulled out of San Leandro, cheapened the beans - look what you get! Does anyone really know?????
Jun 03, It sucks! About three months ago I finally ran out. I tried a few others and am not happy so I stopped drinking it three weeks back! Mc Donald's coffee in the tin can tastes nothing like what they sell in their chain fast food. So I have given up. I refuse to buy Aribian coffee it is nothing like Columbia coffee period!
So most of us do not will not buy it any more. Still the question is where is a coffee to be found that is of similar taste and quality? May the money pigs be happy for destroying a great product for a few more dollars.
Hopefully I will not buy anything associated with them. I have used it for years and years, but need to find a better tasting coffee Why must things change, could not wait for my first cup of coffee in the morning Yes its true this Company Kraft has a new Sherriff. And this Sheriff is used to drinking Jail Coffee. Folgers,Yellow Brand. Or more importantly what he buys! He only cares about one thing. The only reason Farmers give a Kraft a Discount is Volume! Move on too good beans.
Or Costco Whole Bean Colombian and grind it at the warehouse before u exit. Most have grinders. So does Sams Club! The Truth Strikes again. Maybe, but not a penny more from me. I have jumped ship! Now its horrible.