Guardians will start their questing in Silverwood and Gloamwood, their main city will be Sanctum. Choose to go the front lines and pick Brevane or Dusken to go to Cape Jule or Pelladane in the Storm Legion zones and continue questing, or you can ask the Lycini Ambassador to send you directly to Tempest Bay by saying you have business in the capital.
Tempest Bay is the main city that everyone uses from level 48 and up to max. Notes: The Runic Athenaeum is underground in a Library that contains the entrances to the Bindings of Blood level 60 raids. Notes: The Alliance Camp portal will not open until you have completed the first few quests in Planetouched Wilds.
Once you hit Level 58 you can portal straight to the Nightmare Tide zones, the first portal in Goboro Reef will be open to you. Choose to go the front lines and pick Brevane.
Note: — The Tower of Dawn portal takes you to inside the upper section of the tower, there is no access to the outside. Choose to go the front lines and pick Dusken. When you hit level 65 you will be receive a letter from Rahn Chuluun that will start you off on the main Planetouched Wilds questline. There are a few quests to complete in Droughtlands in the area bordering Planetouched Wilds before leading into Planetouched Wilds. At 65 you will also be able to take the first quest to take you into the Prophecy of Ahnket zones.
The first portal in Alittu will automatically open up for you on hitting Notes: — Draumheim is a city under the sea! You can swim into the Sea above Draumheim and then swim down to drop out of the sea into any area of Draumheim. At 65 you will be able to take the first quest to take you into the Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Brevanic Portal Generator is available to buy in the Rift Store under services for credits only. Both abilities allow you to remotely access the Porticulum system.
You can do this from anywhere in open world, it doesnt usually work in instances. Simply click the ability and the portal map will pop up and you can choose which portal you would like to port to. Patrons fast pass and the Brevanic Portal Generator have separate cooldowns. If both your abilities are on cooldown you can use a Brevanic Portal Battery to reset both cooldowns and use them again. The cooldowns are pretty short though and when combined with all the other portals available in game there isnt much need to use them.
There are a few Teleportation Devices available that will teleport you to one specific location. The main downside of these is that they take up a slot in your bags, with so many other teleports available these may just end up stashed away in your bank. These teleports will port you to one of the main Porticulum in the specified zone.
The Gloamwood and Stonefield teleports work a little differently, Guardians will be ported to a graveyard in Stonefield and Defiants will be ported to a graveyard in Gloamwood. Bought from a vendor in the Callweddi Village above the Callweddi Puzzle. Can be used anywhere to teleport you back to the Callweddi Village to use the vendors there to buy unique items. The chest is next to the starting platform for the Vostigar Peaks Jumping Puzzle. Using Opie Whistle will take you back to the starting platform.
It can be used from anywhere in Vostigar Peaks. Bought from a vendor inside Toks Puzzle Dungeon. The Tok Box will teleport you into Toks Dungeon if you are stood in Alittu, once inside Toks Dungeon it will teleport you back to the reception area from anywhere else in the dungeon.
Home » Lists » Locations » Porticulums. Players level up from in the Mathosian zones. Planetouched Wilds is a level 65 zone.
Freemarch Level Stonefield Level Silverwood Level Gloamwood Level Scarlet Gorge. Scarwood Reach. Moonshade Highlands. Scarlet Gorge South. Iron Pine Peak. Categories Transportation Game Terms Add category. Cancel Save. Fan Feed. Universal Conquest Wiki.
Thank you very much for your answers. One more question What level range have quests in SL? No droughtlands and shimmersand are both in Mathosia, the old lands, you reach droughtlands from the southeast tip of freemarch and you reach shimmersand from the western side of droughtlands, both at the bottom of the map.
But I was asking for guardian's territories. Due to the fact that my char is guardian I should pass through Freemarch or Stonefield to go there, which I think is impossible for a guardian, isn't it? Originally Posted by Pirnalok. Last edited by Kviki; at AM. Reason: SL. Yes, the story quest lines for Guardian do go through Droughtlands and Shimmersand.